Indian beauty tips

Indian beauty tips

Indian beauty tipsBeauty is the key of success in this modern age, but it needs hard work, struggle and time. In this current age we do not have enough time for this, however, there are some tips and tricks for beauty enhancement. Once the beauty issues were solved with the help of natural and traditional tips these tips were tested from generation to generation. Indian beauty tips are popular and effective all over the world because they are natural and consist of pure ingredients. The fair and shinny skin of Indian women and girls are because of these traditional Indian beauty tips which are freely used in subcontinent. The advantages of Indian beauty tips over the artificial tip is that it does not harm the skin. Here, we have some basic and simple Indian beauty tips for glowing and fair skin.

It is very simple and time tested formula about the health and fitness is early to bed and early to rise.

According to Indian traditions take a glass of mild warm water and add one spoon pure honey, it leaves the skin soft and glowing, but in case of any sugar related disorder then consult your doctor before taking this.

Exercise is the best thing for fitness, but it should be on regular basis the light walk or jogging is suitable. Exercise excrete waste and keep the body fit and firm.

Turmeric and ginger have the antibiotic properties so according to Indian tradition add these two into your diet, it will eradicate some common ailments like cough.

Take a bath with fresh water and add some fresh leaves of neem because they have antiseptic characteristic.

To build strong immune system eat the following fruits like carrot, apple, guava, aloe Vera, orange and lemon.

Basil, which is known tulsi in India is also used in tea for its antiseptic features.

Aloe vera is best for consuming internally and it is also used as a topical application skin fairness and aging control.